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The Evangelist's Library

Recommended Books Equipping You for Soul Winning

Equipping Books  |  Apologetics Books  |  Witnessing to Cults/False Religions


One Thing You Can't Do In Heaven by Mark Cahill

One of the most important evangelism books you could ever read! 

This book teaches you how to answer doubters, defend the reliability of the Bible in simple ways, present the gospel effectively, & overcome witnessing fears.

Twice Alive by K.L. Dean

This fictional story is a unique evangelism tool.  Not only does it motivate believers to witness, but nonbelievers will be drawn into the gripping storyline, following one gangster's journey into the afterlife.  Many false concepts that keep people from coming to Christ are torn down throughout the story.

     See:  Twice Alive Official Website

One Heartbeat Away by Mark Cahill

People of many different backgrounds and religions have come to Christ after reading this book.  It refutes evolution, proves the reliability of the Bible, and thoroughly explains the gospel.  It's a good read for believers to become more equipped, as well as a good book to get in the hands of those you're witnessing to.

The Way of the Master​ by Ray Comfort

A must-read for all believers, so that we can know how to present the gospel in such a way that produces true and lasting repentance.  Using the law as a schoolmaster to lead people to Christ (Galatians 3:24) has been a lost art, needing to be desperately rediscovered by the body of Christ.

God Has a Wonderful Plan for Your Life: The Myth of the Modern Message by Ray Comfort

This short book exposes how the gospel is being presented in such a way that it is producing an epidemic of false or faulty conversions.  Explains why "God has a wonderful plan for your life" is NOT the true gospel message, and explains what IS the true gospel message.  Crucial read.

A Practical Guide to Evangelism Supernaturally by Chris Overstreet

This is a great, easy-to-understand introduction to how all believers can walk in supernatural evangelism, hearing God give direction and learning to release His healing power.

Questioning Evangelism by Randy Newman

Important read that introduces the witnessing strategy of asking people questions in order to get them to think for themselves and lead them to the right conclusions about God, instead of just telling people what to believe. This helps the person you are sharing the Gospel with to take ownership of faith once they are ready, because they can feel they came to that decision by their own reasoning.

Corner Conversations by Randy Newman

A follow-up to Questioning Evangelism by Randy Newman, filled with examples of conversations using the questioning evangelism strategy. 

The Ultimate Treasure Hunt by Kevin Dedmon

Introduces a creative and adventurous way to evangelize by hearing God's voice to pinpoint the specific people He wants you to approach and talk to.  Fun to do in groups.

Prophetic Evangelism by Sean Smith

How to use the gift of prophecy in evangelism.

Out of the Comfort Zone by Ray Comfort

Ray Comfort's captivating autobiography will stir your boldness to witness.


APOLOGETICS BOOKS  (Answering Objections to Christianity):

More Than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell

Former skeptic Josh McDowell is now joined by his son Sean as they examine the evidence about Jesus. Is he really the Lord he claimed to be? How can we know for sure? More than a Carpenter offers arguments for faith from a skeptic turned believer.  (Explore Amazon for a variety of Josh McDowell books, including ones geared towards students and youth).

Why Trust the Bible?  by Timothy Jones

Reveals the many evidences that show the Bible is reliable and that its message has not been changed, refuting many arguments against it.  Also, this information is available in a condensed, pamphlet version that is a good tool to have to share with people you're witnessing to who may doubt the Bible:  Why Trust the Bible Pamphlet.

20 Compelling Evidences That God Exists by Ken Boa &  Robert Bowman

Covers evidence for a Creator, evidence of the Bible's accuracy & fulfilled prophecy, evidence for Jesus & His resurrection, and more.

Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels by J. Warner Wallace

Written by a homicide detective and former atheist, this books examines the claims of the New Testament using the skills and strategies of a hard-to-convince criminal investigator.  A unique apologetic that speaks to readers’ intense interest in detective stories, Cold-Case Christianity inspires readers to have confidence in Christ as it prepares them to articulate the case for Christianity.

I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist by Norman Geisler & Frank Turek

The authors reveal how Christianity is more rational than atheism and all other belief systems.  Exposes the faults in atheistic reasoning while pointing to the evidence of God, the Bible, and Christ.

The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel

Retracing his own spiritual journey from atheism to faith, Lee Strobel, former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, cross-examines a dozen experts with doctorates who are specialists in the areas of old manuscripts, textual criticism, and biblical studies.

The Case for Faith by Lee Strobel

Strobel examines the eight “heart barriers” to faith. This book is for those who may be feeling attracted to Jesus but who are faced with difficult questions standing squarely in their path. For Christians, it will deepen their convictions and give them fresh confidence in discussing Christianity with even their most skeptical friends.



The Compact Guide to World Religions  by Dean Halverson

This book teaches you what various religions believe and provides wisdom on how to approach and witness to their followers.

Approaching Jehovah's Witnesses in Love by Wilbur Lingle

This book teaches how to reach Jehovah's Witnesses by asking questions and aiming for areas they are not prepared to defend.

Approaching Mormons in Love by Wilbur Lingle

Questions, conversation starters, and tools for witnessing to Mormons.

The 10 Most Important Things You Can Say to a Jehovah's Witness​ by Ron Rhodes

Nice, short, concise book that will quickly educate you on what Jehovah's Witnesses believe, exposing their errors, and giving witnessing ideas.

The 10 Most Important Things You Can Say to a Mormon​ by Ron Rhodes

Nice, short, concise book that will quickly educate you on what Mormons believe, exposing their errors, and giving witnessing ideas.

Unveiling Grace: The Story of How We Found Our Way Out of the Mormon Church by Lynn Wilder

The true story of how a family left the Mormon church and found relationship with the true Jesus.  This book will give you understanding and insight into the Mormon church and help you know how to witness better to Mormon friends.

I Dared to Call Him Father by Bilquis Sheikh

This is a true story of how a Muslim woman had supernatural encounters that led her to Christ.

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